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Immagine del redattore: Katya SantoroKatya Santoro

Aggiornamento: 31 mar 2020


And here is my second drawing of 2019.

“Fanciulla” (Lass) has an interesting story.

I was uncertain as to whether or not I would have actually drawn this particular subject. . No matter how many flowers I'd look at, and all of them were beautiful, I found none that really struck me. Looking through my photos and browsing through the web, I ran into an Australian floriculture, specialised in roses and a shot of these very particular white roses. It was love at first sight for me. So, after asking for permission to use the image, I got started on the drawing.

It just so happened, at that time, that an art gallery owner from Florence invited me to participate in an exhibition. I didn't accept immediately even if the idea appealed to me a lot.

The reason I did end up exhibiting my work there eventually, is unfortunately a sad one: just a few days earlier Franco Zeffirelli passed away. I knew that white roses were his favorites and so, without thinking twice, I agreed to exhibit these roses in his hometown.

I named my work "Fanciulla" and dedicate it to him. because it was the name with which he called me when he met me on the set of "Il Giovane Toscanini", the film I worked on.


"Fanciulla" è il nome con il quale Franco Zeffirelli mi chiamava quando mi incrociava sul set del suo film "Il Giovane Toscanini" sul quale ebbi l'onore di lavorare. Ho scelto questo titolo perché durante la lavorazione di questo disegno il Maestro è venuto a mancare e ho deciso di dedicarlo a lui in sua memoria.

Credo che le rose bianche lo rappresentino per eleganza e raffinatezza, due delle sue più grandi qualità con le quali curava i lavori teatrali e cinematografici.

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It all started when my mom passed away.


I was on a break from my work in theatres and not going through a very serene period.


One day my son Nazareno said that he had spare sketchbook that his art teacher told him was no longer needed for school projects, so he asked if I wanted to use it.


I thought I could have used it to sketch scenographies for work so I simply tucked it in a cupboard. After some time I opened the same cupboard again and saw that very sketchbook next to my precious Caran d'Ache pencils and … that's when I thought of drawing something. Yes but, what to draw then? 

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